You’ve got a platform problem

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Business IT is being dragged down by the weight of the ‘old’. Whether it is outdated assumptions, virtualisation platforms designed for consolidation not agility, or simply neophobia, this isn’t just disruption, it’s a death-grip. Losing the weight requires fundamental change, and here’s why:

Flexible and agile is the ‘new normal’
Enterprise success today relies on speed, agility, security and availability, while always keeping costs under tight control.

But yesterday’s IT is not up to the job
Many enterprise IT platforms were built to solve yesterday’s problems, resulting in hard to manage systems with limited flexibility.

Cloud capabilities are wanted
Public cloud systems have the capabilities that business IT requires, but not all workloads are suited to running in the public cloud.

New IT infrastructures are available
Running cloud-like systems internally and combining them with public cloud resources is the way forward, but it requires new infrastructure platforms.

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