Big Data Management, Data Architecture, Business Strategy

Data Lake Whitepaper

December 22, 2022

Data Lake Whitepaper
We live in a digital world in which data analytics and artificial intelligence significantly impact our daily lives. They influence what we wear, what we eat, where we travel, and how we spend our free time. In medicine the impact of data has much more drastic effects, as access to high-quality medical data is a matter of life or death for patients every day. In this particular area, the desire to save human life by discovering modern methods of therapy and diagnostics often contradicts another fundamental right of the patient - the right to privacy and the right to dispose of one’s data.



WellStack offers healthcare organizations a modern, out-of-the-box data ecosystem that creates a single source of truth necessary for enterprise-wide decision-making. With a low-code/no-code approach, WellStack democratizes healthcare data and accelerates analytics by providing multi-channel data access to decision-makers, analysts, and researchers with varying technical skills. This strategy helps organizations maximize resource utilization by simplifying report development and analysis, resulting in a jumpstart on their data science journey with the flexibility to innovate and scale to meet future demands.

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StreetLight Data Sources and Methodology

whitePaper | December 28, 2022

StreetLight Data, Inc. (“StreetLight”) pioneered the use of Big Data analytics to shed light on how people, goods, and services move, empowering smarter, data-driven transportation decisions. StreetLight's proprietary data processing engine, Route Science® algorithmically transforms its vast data resources to measure travel patterns of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians, accessible as analytics on the StreetLight InSight® SaaS platform. StreetLight provides innovative digital solutions to help communities reduce congestion, improve safe and equitable transportation, and maximize the positive impact of infrastructure investment.

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The A-Z of Master Data Management

whitePaper | January 11, 2023

The world of master data management (MDM) is a complicated place to navigate and its native speakers use a language sometimes only they themselves understand. It is packed with complex descriptions, esoteric lingo and acronyms.

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Data Beyond Borders 3.0

whitePaper | July 6, 2023

Cross border data flows came to prominence under Japan’s G20 Presidency in 2019, with the Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT) framework. Since then, the G20 Presidencies have set DFFT as a major priority in the promotion of worldwide digitisation, building the pillars that led G7 leaders to endorse and commit to a roadmap for cooperation on DFFT. Cross-border e-commerce has had a 45-fold increase1 in a decade, reaching an estimated USD2.7 trillion by 2023.2 Nearly two-thirds of global commerce is related to digital technology, with companies and governments investing an estimated USD6.8 trillion in digital transformation initiatives between 2020 and 2023.3

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Replanteamiento del acceso a las aplicaciones gestión de una fuerza laboral moderna

whitePaper | February 26, 2020

El cambio de paradigma que se está extendiendo por el ámbito tecnológico y empresarial es cada día más evidente. La transición a cloud computing está llegando a su punto de inflexión. Las fusiones y adquisiciones han proliferado. Además, con un número cada vez mayor de usuarios finales que operan fuera del entorno empresarial, los departamentos de TI deben prestar servicio a un ecosistema de usuarios cada vez más diverso, distribuido y exigente

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whitePaper | March 12, 2020

Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT) is the penultimate phase of Acceptance Testing in a Software Testing Life cycle and is the last defence line between a software development project and deployment of software on production. FFor decedes, Operational Acceptance has been undermined and misunderstood. Where User Acceptance has been written about and hailed as a final phase in testing before production. User Acceptance is but one side of the coin, Operational Acceptance is the other.

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The Future of Unstructured Data Processing

whitePaper | July 25, 2022

Experts estimate that the average person generates more than 1.7 MB of digital data per second, amounting to over 2.5 quintillion bytes per day. However, as the world becomes increasingly digitized and networked, experts predict that, on average, people will produce 463 exabytes of data per day by 2025.

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WellStack offers healthcare organizations a modern, out-of-the-box data ecosystem that creates a single source of truth necessary for enterprise-wide decision-making. With a low-code/no-code approach, WellStack democratizes healthcare data and accelerates analytics by providing multi-channel data access to decision-makers, analysts, and researchers with varying technical skills. This strategy helps organizations maximize resource utilization by simplifying report development and analysis, resulting in a jumpstart on their data science journey with the flexibility to innovate and scale to meet future demands.
