Embrace Business Intelligence to Boost Your Revenue

Embrace Business Intelligence to Boost Your Revenue
Managing and marketing a successful company cannot be done by guesswork. Your instincts can lead you a long way, but data will always get you further. You can substantially enhance your strategic decision-making and future direction with the correct analytics approach and business intelligence.

It is not always simple. Data gathering is challenging enough, but understanding that data becomes even more complicated. However, the advantages of using this sort of data-driven strategy much exceed the challenges. Let's take a closer look at the significance of business intelligence and how it can help your organization succeed in the short and long term.

How Business Intelligence Can Help You Increase Sales and Revenue

A BI tool can make it much simpler for your sales representatives to comprehend their customer base by allowing them to gather, unify, and analyze their data all in one spot.

Here are some ways your sales team will thrive with the use of business intelligence.
  • Share Sales Analytics Across Divisions Easily
You can simply construct dashboards that give insights into the sales team's important indicators and interactive reports that can be shared across departments using a BI tool. The marketing team would be able to identify which campaigns are generating sales, while the operations team would be able to prepare for and estimate product demand. Additionally, depending on sales activity, management would be able to execute more precise business decisions.
  • Accurate Sales Forecasts
Companies that foresee future trends and performance have a competitive edge since it allows you to be agile. A BI solution unifies and simplifies all of your data, providing you with the most precise and up-to-date information. Having access to all of your previous sales trends in one location makes it simpler to correctly forecast future income and sales. By removing the difficulties of collecting past and current data in one place, your team can create more realistic goals, which can be tough if your sales performance is dependent on factors such as the month, client segments, and so on.
  • Improves Customer Retention
It is a known fact that offering and selling your services or goods to an existing customer is cheaper than acquiring new customers, who might cost up to seven times more. A BI system can assist a company's sales team in understanding what drives current customers and what they purchase, tracking demand patterns, and recognizing chances to cross-sell, which can then be utilized to create sales efforts.

Closing Lines

Utilizing business intelligence effectively can assist your business in improving customer retention, increasing income from sales efforts, and keeping your sales analytics up-to-date. As sales drive company development, a business intelligence solution like Power BI might be one of the most important investments you make. Business intelligence, whether for a major corporation or a small business, can provide your sales force with the competitive advantage it needs to stay ahead.


Data Tomorrow, Llc

Data Tomorrow is a data science solutions provider helping organizations with their data challenges and creating data-driven products for consumers and businesses. Our solutions and services focus on: Monetizing organization's data assets by discovering meaningful business insights, Creating and improving data-mining and statistical models, Discovering new business models and services.

Business Intelligence, Big Data Management, Big Data

Can Blockchain Change The Game Of Data Analytics And Data Science?

Article | July 4, 2023

Blockchain has been causing ripples across major industries and verticals in the recent couple of years. We are seeing the future potential of blockchain technology that is scaling beyond just cryptocurrencies and trading. It is only natural that Blockchain is going to have a huge impact on Data Analytics, another field that has been booming and seems to continue in the same trajectory for the foreseeable future. However, very little research has been done on the implications of blockchain on Data Science or the potential of Data Science in Blockchain. While Blockchain is about validating data and data science is about predictions and patterns, they are linked together by the fact that they both use algorithms to control interactions between various data points. Blockchain in Big Data Analytics Big Data has traditionally been a very centralized method where we had to collate data from various sources and bring it together in one place. Blockchain, considering its decentralized nature can potentially allow analysis of data to happen at the origin nodes of individual sources. Also, considering that all data parsed through blockchain is validated across networks in a fool proof manner, the data integrity is ensured. This can be a game changer for analytics. With the digital age creating so many new data points and making data more accessible than ever, the need for diving into depth with advanced analytics has been realized by businesses around the world. However, the data is still not organized and it takes a very long time to bring them together to make sense of it. The other key challenge in Big Data remains data security. Centralized systems historically have been known for their vulnerability for leaks and hacks. A decentralized infrastructure can address both of the above challenges enabling data scientists to build a robust infrastructure to build a predictive data model and also giving rise to new possibilities for more real time analysis. Can Blockchain Enhance Data Science? Blockchain can address some of the key aspects of Data Science and Analytics. Data Security & Encoding: The smart contracts ensure that no transaction can be reversed or hidden. The complex mathematical algorithms that form the base of Blockchain are built to encrypt every single transaction on the ledger. Origin Tracing & Integrity: Blockchain technology is known for enabling P2P relationships. With blockchain technology, the ledgers can be transparent channels where the data flowing through it is validated and every stakeholder involved in the process is made accountable and accessible. This also enables the data to be of higher quality than what was possible with traditional methods. Summing Up Data science itself is fairly new and advancing in recent years. Blockchain Technology, as advanced as it seems, is still at what is believed to be a very nascent stage. We have been seeing an increasing interest in data being moved to the cloud and it is only a matter of time when businesses will want it to be moved to decentralized networks. On the other hand, blockchain’s network and server requirements are still not addressed and data analytics can be very heavy on the network, considering the volume of data collected for analysis. With very small volumes of data stored in blocks, we need viable solutions to make sure data analysis in blockchain is possible at scale. At Pyramidion, we have been working with clients globally on some exciting blockchain projects. These projects are being led by visionaries, who are looking to change how the world functions, for good. Being at the forefront of innovation, where we see the best minds working on new technologies, ICOs and protocols, we strongly believe it is only a matter of time before the challenges are addressed and Blockchain starts being a great asset to another rapidly growing field like Data Science and Data Analytics.

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Business Intelligence, Big Data Management, Data Science

What are the Benefits of Data Modeling for Businesses?

Article | April 13, 2023

Businesses that are data-driven are well-known for their success, as data is widely considered to be a company's most valuable asset. Understanding data, its relationships, and the law requires the use of data modelling techniques. Sadly, people who are not familiar with data modelling best practises see them as a pointless documentation exercise. In the eyes of others, it is a hindrance to agile development and a waste of money. A data model is more than just documentation because it can be implemented in a physical database. Therefore, data modelling is not a bottleneck in the development of an application. Due to these benefits, it has been proven to improve application quality and reduce overall execution risks. Data modeling reduces the budget of programming by up to 75%. Data modeling typically consumes less than 10% of a project budget. Data Modelling- Today’s Scenario Data models methodologies for data modelling have existed since the dawn of time. At the very least, it's been around since the dawn of the digital age. In order for computers to deal with the bits and bytes of data, they need structure. Structured and semi-structured data are now part of the mix, but that doesn't mean we've reached a higher level of sophistication than those who came before us in the field of computing. As a result, the data model lives on and continues to serve as the foundation for the development of advanced business applications. Today's business applications, data integration, master data management, data warehousing, big data analytics, data Lakes, and machine learning require a data modeling methodology. Therefore, data modeling is the foundation of virtually all of our high-value, mission-critical business solutions, from e-Commerce and Point-of-Sale to financial, product, and customer management, to business intelligence and IoT. "In many ways, up-front data design with NoSQL databases can actually be more important than it is with traditional relational databases [...] Beyond the performance topic, NoSQL databases with flexible schema capabilities require more discipline in aligning to a common information model." Ryan Smith, Information Architect at Nike How is Data Modelling Beneficial for Businesses A data model is similar to an architect's blueprint before construction begins. The visual manifestation of a development team's understanding of the business and its rules is data modeling. The data modeling methodology is the most efficient way to collect accurate and complete business data requirements and rules, ensuring that the system works as intended. In addition, the method raises more questions than any other modeling method, resulting in increased integrity and the discovery of relevant business rules. Finally, its visual aspect makes it easier for business users and subject matter experts to communicate and collaborate. Let us look into some of the core benefits of data modeling for businesses. Enhanced Performance Following Data modeling techniques and best practices prevents the schema from endless searching and give results faster, resulting in a more efficient database. The data model's concepts must be concise to ensure the best performance. It's also crucial to accurately convert the model into the database. Higher Quality Data Data modeling techniques can make your data precise, trustworthy, and easy to analyze. Inaccurate data and corruption are even worse than application errors. Data can be adequately understood, queried, and reported on as a good data model defines the metadata. Developers can foresee what can lead to large-scale data corruption before it happens because of the visual depiction of requirements and business rules. Reduced Cost Effective data modeling techniques detect flaws and inconsistencies early in the process, making them significantly more accessible and less expensive to fix. As a result, data models allow you to design apps at a reduced cost. Data modeling often takes less than 5%-10% of a project's budget, and it can help lower the 65-75 percent of a project's budget that is usually allocated to programming. Better Documentation By documenting fundamental concepts and language, data model methodologies lay the groundwork for long-term maintenance. The documentation will also aid in the management of staff turnover. As an added bonus, many application providers now provide a data model upon request. For those in the information technology field, it's common knowledge that models are a powerful tool for explaining complex ideas in a simple and straightforward manner. Managed Risk An application database that contains numerous related tables is more complex and thus more prone to failure during development. On the other hand, data model techniques quantify software complexity and provide insight into the development effort and risk associated with a project. Therefore, the model's size and the degree of inter-table connectivity should be considered. Summing up Any business can benefit greatly from data modelling methods and techniques. To the untrained eye, data modelling may appear to be distinct from the type of data analytics that actually add value to a company. In order to make data storage in a database easier and have a positive impact on data analytics, data modelling is an essential first step. Frequently Asked Questions What is data modeling? In software engineering, data modelling refers to the use of specific formal techniques to develop a data model for an information system. This is used to communicate between data structures and points. Which are the five crucial data modeling types? The five crucial data modeling types are Conceptual data model Physical data model Hierarchical data model Relational data model Entity-relationship (ER) data model

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Business Intelligence, Enterprise Business Intelligence

How Data Analytics in The Hospitality Industry Can be Helpful?

Article | July 10, 2023

In recent years, we have seen more industries adopt data analytics as they realize how important it is. Even the hotel industry is not left behind in this. This is because the hospitality industry is data-rich. And the key to maintaining a competitive advantage has come down to ‘how hotels manage and analyze this data’. With the changes taking place in the hospitality industry, data analysis can help you gain meaningful insights that can redefine the way hotels conduct business.

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Data Science

Thinking Like a Data Scientist

Article | December 23, 2020

Introduction Nowadays, everyone with some technical expertise and a data science bootcamp under their belt calls themselves a data scientist. Also, most managers don't know enough about the field to distinguish an actual data scientist from a make-believe one someone who calls themselves a data science professional today but may work as a cab driver next year. As data science is a very responsible field dealing with complex problems that require serious attention and work, the data scientist role has never been more significant. So, perhaps instead of arguing about which programming language or which all-in-one solution is the best one, we should focus on something more fundamental. More specifically, the thinking process of a data scientist. The challenges of the Data Science professional Any data science professional, regardless of his specialization, faces certain challenges in his day-to-day work. The most important of these involves decisions regarding how he goes about his work. He may have planned to use a particular model for his predictions or that model may not yield adequate performance (e.g., not high enough accuracy or too high computational cost, among other issues). What should he do then? Also, it could be that the data doesn't have a strong enough signal, and last time I checked, there wasn't a fool-proof method on any data science programming library that provided a clear-cut view on this matter. These are calls that the data scientist has to make and shoulder all the responsibility that goes with them. Why Data Science automation often fails Then there is the matter of automation of data science tasks. Although the idea sounds promising, it's probably the most challenging task in a data science pipeline. It's not unfeasible, but it takes a lot of work and a lot of expertise that's usually impossible to find in a single data scientist. Often, you need to combine the work of data engineers, software developers, data scientists, and even data modelers. Since most organizations don't have all that expertise or don't know how to manage it effectively, automation doesn't happen as they envision, resulting in a large part of the data science pipeline needing to be done manually. The Data Science mindset overall The data science mindset is the thinking process of the data scientist, the operating system of her mind. Without it, she can't do her work properly, in the large variety of circumstances she may find herself in. It's her mindset that organizes her know-how and helps her find solutions to the complex problems she encounters, whether it is wrangling data, building and testing a model or deploying the model on the cloud. This mindset is her strategy potential, the think tank within, which enables her to make the tough calls she often needs to make for the data science projects to move forward. Specific aspects of the Data Science mindset Of course, the data science mindset is more than a general thing. It involves specific components, such as specialized know-how, tools that are compatible with each other and relevant to the task at hand, a deep understanding of the methodologies used in data science work, problem-solving skills, and most importantly, communication abilities. The latter involves both the data scientist expressing himself clearly and also him understanding what the stakeholders need and expect of him. Naturally, the data science mindset also includes organizational skills (project management), the ability to work well with other professionals (even those not directly related to data science), and the ability to come up with creative approaches to the problem at hand. The Data Science process The data science process/pipeline is a distillation of data science work in a comprehensible manner. It's particularly useful for understanding the various stages of a data science project and help plan accordingly. You can view one version of it in Fig. 1 below. If the data science mindset is one's ability to navigate the data science landscape, the data science process is a map of that landscape. It's not 100% accurate but good enough to help you gain perspective if you feel overwhelmed or need to get a better grip on the bigger picture. Learning more about the topic Naturally, it's impossible to exhaust this topic in a single article (or even a series of articles). The material I've gathered on it can fill a book! If you are interested in such a book, feel free to check out the one I put together a few years back; it's called Data Science Mindset, Methodologies, and Misconceptions and it's geared both towards data scientist, data science learners, and people involved in data science work in some way (e.g. project leaders or data analysts). Check it out when you have a moment. Cheers!

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Data Tomorrow, Llc

Data Tomorrow is a data science solutions provider helping organizations with their data challenges and creating data-driven products for consumers and businesses. Our solutions and services focus on: Monetizing organization's data assets by discovering meaningful business insights, Creating and improving data-mining and statistical models, Discovering new business models and services.

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Airbyte Racks Up Awards from InfoWorld, BigDATAwire, Built In; Builds Largest and Fastest-Growing User Community

Airbyte | January 30, 2024

Airbyte, creators of the leading open-source data movement infrastructure, today announced a series of accomplishments and awards reinforcing its standing as the largest and fastest-growing data movement community. With a focus on innovation, community engagement, and performance enhancement, Airbyte continues to revolutionize the way data is handled and processed across industries. “Airbyte proudly stands as the front-runner in the data movement landscape with the largest community of more than 5,000 daily users and over 125,000 deployments, with monthly data synchronizations of over 2 petabytes,” said Michel Tricot, co-founder and CEO, Airbyte. “This unparalleled growth is a testament to Airbyte's widespread adoption by users and the trust placed in its capabilities.” The Airbyte community has more than 800 code contributors and 12,000 stars on GitHub. Recently, the company held its second annual virtual conference called move(data), which attracted over 5,000 attendees. Airbyte was named an InfoWorld Technology of the Year Award finalist: Data Management – Integration (in October) for cutting-edge products that are changing how IT organizations work and how companies do business. And, at the start of this year, was named to the Built In 2024 Best Places To Work Award in San Francisco – Best Startups to Work For, recognizing the company's commitment to fostering a positive work environment, remote and flexible work opportunities, and programs for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Today, the company received the BigDATAwire Readers/Editors Choice Award – Big Data and AI Startup, which recognizes companies and products that have made a difference. Other key milestones in 2023 include the following. Availability of more than 350 data connectors, making Airbyte the platform with the most connectors in the industry. The company aims to increase that to 500 high-quality connectors supported by the end of this year. More than 2,000 custom connectors were created with the Airbyte No-Code Connector Builder, which enables data connectors to be made in minutes. Significant performance improvement with database replication speed increased by 10 times to support larger datasets. Added support for five vector databases, in addition to unstructured data sources, as the first company to build a bridge between data movement platforms and artificial intelligence (AI). Looking ahead, Airbyte will introduce data lakehouse destinations, as well as a new Publish feature to push data to API destinations. About Airbyte Airbyte is the open-source data movement infrastructure leader running in the safety of your cloud and syncing data from applications, APIs, and databases to data warehouses, lakes, and other destinations. Airbyte offers four products: Airbyte Open Source, Airbyte Self-Managed, Airbyte Cloud, and Powered by Airbyte. Airbyte was co-founded by Michel Tricot (former director of engineering and head of integrations at Liveramp and RideOS) and John Lafleur (serial entrepreneur of dev tools and B2B). The company is headquartered in San Francisco with a distributed team around the world. To learn more, visit airbyte.com.

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Big Data Management

The Modern Data Company Recognized in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Data Integration

The Modern Data Company | January 23, 2024

The Modern Data Company, recognized for its expertise in developing and managing advanced data products, is delighted to announce its distinction as an honorable mention in Gartner's 'Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools,' powered by our leading product, DataOS. “This accolade underscores our commitment to productizing data and revolutionizing data management technologies. Our focus extends beyond traditional data management, guiding companies on their journey to effectively utilize data, realize tangible ROI on their data investments, and harness advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and Large Language Models (LLMs). This recognition is a testament to Modern Data’s alignment with the latest industry trends and our dedication to setting new standards in data integration and utilization.” – Srujan Akula, CEO of The Modern Data Company The inclusion in the Gartner report highlights The Modern Data Company's pivotal role in shaping the future of data integration. Our innovative approach, embodied in DataOS, enables businesses to navigate the complexities of data management, transforming data into a strategic asset. By simplifying data access and integration, we empower organizations to unlock the full potential of their data, driving insights and innovation without disruption. "Modern Data's recognition as an Honorable Mention in the Gartner MQ for Data Integration is a testament to the transformative impact their solutions have on businesses like ours. DataOS has been pivotal in allowing us to integrate multiple data sources, enabling our teams to have access to the data needed to make data driven decisions." – Emma Spight, SVP Technology, MIND 24-7 The Modern Data Company simplifies how organizations manage, access, and interact with data using its DataOS (data operating system) that unifies data silos, at scale. It provides ontology support, graph modeling, and a virtual data tier (e.g. a customer 360 model). From a technical point of view, it closes the gap from conceptual to physical data model. Users can define conceptually what they want and its software traverses and integrates data. DataOS provides a structured, repeatable approach to data integration that enhances agility and ensures high-quality outputs. This shift from traditional pipeline management to data products allows for more efficient data operations, as each 'product' is designed with a specific purpose and standardized interfaces, ensuring consistency across different uses and applications. With DataOS, businesses can expect a transformative impact on their data strategies, marked by increased efficiency and a robust framework for handling complex data ecosystems, allowing for more and faster iterations of conceptual models. About The Modern Data Company The Modern Data Company, with its flagship product DataOS, revolutionizes the creation of data products. DataOS® is engineered to build and manage comprehensive data products to foster data mesh adoption, propelling organizations towards a data-driven future. DataOS directly addresses key AI/ML and LLM challenges: ensuring quality data, scaling computational resources, and integrating seamlessly into business processes. In our commitment to provide open systems, we have created an open data developer platform specification that is gaining wide industry support.

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Big Data Management

data.world Integrates with Snowflake Data Quality Metrics to Bolster Data Trust

data.world | January 24, 2024

data.world, the data catalog platform company, today announced an integration with Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, that brings new data quality metrics and measurement capabilities to enterprises. The data.world Snowflake Collector now empowers enterprise data teams to measure data quality across their organization on-demand, unifying data quality and analytics. Customers can now achieve greater trust in their data quality and downstream analytics to support mission-critical applications, confident data-driven decision-making, and AI initiatives. Data quality remains one of the top concerns for chief data officers and a critical barrier to creating a data-driven culture. Traditionally, data quality assurance has relied on manual oversight – a process that’s tedious and fraught with inefficacy. The data.world Data Catalog Platform now delivers Snowflake data quality metrics directly to customers, streamlining quality assurance timelines and accelerating data-first initiatives. Data consumers can access contextual information in the catalog or directly within tools such as Tableau and PowerBI via Hoots – data.world’s embedded trust badges – that broadcast data health status and catalog context, bolstering transparency and trust. Additionally, teams can link certification and DataOps workflows to Snowflake's data quality metrics to automate manual workflows and quality alerts. Backed by a knowledge graph architecture, data.world provides greater insight into data quality scores via intelligence on data provenance, usage, and context – all of which support DataOps and governance workflows. “Data trust is increasingly crucial to every facet of business and data teams are struggling to verify the quality of their data, facing increased scrutiny from developers and decision-makers alike on the downstream impacts of their work, including analytics – and soon enough, AI applications,” said Jeff Hollan, Director, Product Management at Snowflake. “Our collaboration with data.world enables data teams and decision-makers to verify and trust their data’s quality to use in mission-critical applications and analytics across their business.” “High-quality data has always been a priority among enterprise data teams and decision-makers. As enterprise AI ambitions grow, the number one priority is ensuring the data powering generative AI is clean, consistent, and contextual,” said Bryon Jacob, CTO at data.world. “Alongside Snowflake, we’re taking steps to ensure data scientists, analysts, and leaders can confidently feed AI and analytics applications data that delivers high-quality insights, and supports the type of decision-making that drives their business forward.” The integration builds on the robust collaboration between data.world and Snowflake. Most recently, the companies announced an exclusive offering for joint customers, streamlining adoption timelines and offering a new attractive price point. The data.world's knowledge graph-powered data catalog already offers unique benefits for Snowflake customers, including support for Snowpark. This offering is now available to all data.world enterprise customers using the Snowflake Collector, as well as customers taking advantage of the Snowflake-only offering. To learn more about the data quality integration or the data.world data catalog platform, visit data.world. About data.world data.world is the data catalog platform built for your AI future. Its cloud-native SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform combines a consumer-grade user experience with a powerful Knowledge Graph to deliver enhanced data discovery, agile data governance, and actionable insights. data.world is a Certified B Corporation and public benefit corporation and home to the world’s largest collaborative open data community with more than two million members, including ninety percent of the Fortune 500. Our company has 76 patents and has been named one of Austin’s Best Places to Work seven years in a row.

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Big Data

Airbyte Racks Up Awards from InfoWorld, BigDATAwire, Built In; Builds Largest and Fastest-Growing User Community

Airbyte | January 30, 2024

Airbyte, creators of the leading open-source data movement infrastructure, today announced a series of accomplishments and awards reinforcing its standing as the largest and fastest-growing data movement community. With a focus on innovation, community engagement, and performance enhancement, Airbyte continues to revolutionize the way data is handled and processed across industries. “Airbyte proudly stands as the front-runner in the data movement landscape with the largest community of more than 5,000 daily users and over 125,000 deployments, with monthly data synchronizations of over 2 petabytes,” said Michel Tricot, co-founder and CEO, Airbyte. “This unparalleled growth is a testament to Airbyte's widespread adoption by users and the trust placed in its capabilities.” The Airbyte community has more than 800 code contributors and 12,000 stars on GitHub. Recently, the company held its second annual virtual conference called move(data), which attracted over 5,000 attendees. Airbyte was named an InfoWorld Technology of the Year Award finalist: Data Management – Integration (in October) for cutting-edge products that are changing how IT organizations work and how companies do business. And, at the start of this year, was named to the Built In 2024 Best Places To Work Award in San Francisco – Best Startups to Work For, recognizing the company's commitment to fostering a positive work environment, remote and flexible work opportunities, and programs for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Today, the company received the BigDATAwire Readers/Editors Choice Award – Big Data and AI Startup, which recognizes companies and products that have made a difference. Other key milestones in 2023 include the following. Availability of more than 350 data connectors, making Airbyte the platform with the most connectors in the industry. The company aims to increase that to 500 high-quality connectors supported by the end of this year. More than 2,000 custom connectors were created with the Airbyte No-Code Connector Builder, which enables data connectors to be made in minutes. Significant performance improvement with database replication speed increased by 10 times to support larger datasets. Added support for five vector databases, in addition to unstructured data sources, as the first company to build a bridge between data movement platforms and artificial intelligence (AI). Looking ahead, Airbyte will introduce data lakehouse destinations, as well as a new Publish feature to push data to API destinations. About Airbyte Airbyte is the open-source data movement infrastructure leader running in the safety of your cloud and syncing data from applications, APIs, and databases to data warehouses, lakes, and other destinations. Airbyte offers four products: Airbyte Open Source, Airbyte Self-Managed, Airbyte Cloud, and Powered by Airbyte. Airbyte was co-founded by Michel Tricot (former director of engineering and head of integrations at Liveramp and RideOS) and John Lafleur (serial entrepreneur of dev tools and B2B). The company is headquartered in San Francisco with a distributed team around the world. To learn more, visit airbyte.com.

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Big Data Management

The Modern Data Company Recognized in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Data Integration

The Modern Data Company | January 23, 2024

The Modern Data Company, recognized for its expertise in developing and managing advanced data products, is delighted to announce its distinction as an honorable mention in Gartner's 'Magic Quadrant for Data Integration Tools,' powered by our leading product, DataOS. “This accolade underscores our commitment to productizing data and revolutionizing data management technologies. Our focus extends beyond traditional data management, guiding companies on their journey to effectively utilize data, realize tangible ROI on their data investments, and harness advanced technologies such as AI, ML, and Large Language Models (LLMs). This recognition is a testament to Modern Data’s alignment with the latest industry trends and our dedication to setting new standards in data integration and utilization.” – Srujan Akula, CEO of The Modern Data Company The inclusion in the Gartner report highlights The Modern Data Company's pivotal role in shaping the future of data integration. Our innovative approach, embodied in DataOS, enables businesses to navigate the complexities of data management, transforming data into a strategic asset. By simplifying data access and integration, we empower organizations to unlock the full potential of their data, driving insights and innovation without disruption. "Modern Data's recognition as an Honorable Mention in the Gartner MQ for Data Integration is a testament to the transformative impact their solutions have on businesses like ours. DataOS has been pivotal in allowing us to integrate multiple data sources, enabling our teams to have access to the data needed to make data driven decisions." – Emma Spight, SVP Technology, MIND 24-7 The Modern Data Company simplifies how organizations manage, access, and interact with data using its DataOS (data operating system) that unifies data silos, at scale. It provides ontology support, graph modeling, and a virtual data tier (e.g. a customer 360 model). From a technical point of view, it closes the gap from conceptual to physical data model. Users can define conceptually what they want and its software traverses and integrates data. DataOS provides a structured, repeatable approach to data integration that enhances agility and ensures high-quality outputs. This shift from traditional pipeline management to data products allows for more efficient data operations, as each 'product' is designed with a specific purpose and standardized interfaces, ensuring consistency across different uses and applications. With DataOS, businesses can expect a transformative impact on their data strategies, marked by increased efficiency and a robust framework for handling complex data ecosystems, allowing for more and faster iterations of conceptual models. About The Modern Data Company The Modern Data Company, with its flagship product DataOS, revolutionizes the creation of data products. DataOS® is engineered to build and manage comprehensive data products to foster data mesh adoption, propelling organizations towards a data-driven future. DataOS directly addresses key AI/ML and LLM challenges: ensuring quality data, scaling computational resources, and integrating seamlessly into business processes. In our commitment to provide open systems, we have created an open data developer platform specification that is gaining wide industry support.

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Big Data Management

data.world Integrates with Snowflake Data Quality Metrics to Bolster Data Trust

data.world | January 24, 2024

data.world, the data catalog platform company, today announced an integration with Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, that brings new data quality metrics and measurement capabilities to enterprises. The data.world Snowflake Collector now empowers enterprise data teams to measure data quality across their organization on-demand, unifying data quality and analytics. Customers can now achieve greater trust in their data quality and downstream analytics to support mission-critical applications, confident data-driven decision-making, and AI initiatives. Data quality remains one of the top concerns for chief data officers and a critical barrier to creating a data-driven culture. Traditionally, data quality assurance has relied on manual oversight – a process that’s tedious and fraught with inefficacy. The data.world Data Catalog Platform now delivers Snowflake data quality metrics directly to customers, streamlining quality assurance timelines and accelerating data-first initiatives. Data consumers can access contextual information in the catalog or directly within tools such as Tableau and PowerBI via Hoots – data.world’s embedded trust badges – that broadcast data health status and catalog context, bolstering transparency and trust. Additionally, teams can link certification and DataOps workflows to Snowflake's data quality metrics to automate manual workflows and quality alerts. Backed by a knowledge graph architecture, data.world provides greater insight into data quality scores via intelligence on data provenance, usage, and context – all of which support DataOps and governance workflows. “Data trust is increasingly crucial to every facet of business and data teams are struggling to verify the quality of their data, facing increased scrutiny from developers and decision-makers alike on the downstream impacts of their work, including analytics – and soon enough, AI applications,” said Jeff Hollan, Director, Product Management at Snowflake. “Our collaboration with data.world enables data teams and decision-makers to verify and trust their data’s quality to use in mission-critical applications and analytics across their business.” “High-quality data has always been a priority among enterprise data teams and decision-makers. As enterprise AI ambitions grow, the number one priority is ensuring the data powering generative AI is clean, consistent, and contextual,” said Bryon Jacob, CTO at data.world. “Alongside Snowflake, we’re taking steps to ensure data scientists, analysts, and leaders can confidently feed AI and analytics applications data that delivers high-quality insights, and supports the type of decision-making that drives their business forward.” The integration builds on the robust collaboration between data.world and Snowflake. Most recently, the companies announced an exclusive offering for joint customers, streamlining adoption timelines and offering a new attractive price point. The data.world's knowledge graph-powered data catalog already offers unique benefits for Snowflake customers, including support for Snowpark. This offering is now available to all data.world enterprise customers using the Snowflake Collector, as well as customers taking advantage of the Snowflake-only offering. To learn more about the data quality integration or the data.world data catalog platform, visit data.world. About data.world data.world is the data catalog platform built for your AI future. Its cloud-native SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform combines a consumer-grade user experience with a powerful Knowledge Graph to deliver enhanced data discovery, agile data governance, and actionable insights. data.world is a Certified B Corporation and public benefit corporation and home to the world’s largest collaborative open data community with more than two million members, including ninety percent of the Fortune 500. Our company has 76 patents and has been named one of Austin’s Best Places to Work seven years in a row.

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