How Machine Learning Can Take Data Science to a Whole New Level


Machine Learning (ML) has taken strides over the past few years, establishing its place in data analytics. In particular, ML has become a cornerstone in data science, alongside data wrangling, and data visualization, among other facets of the field. Yet, we observe many organizations still hesitant when allocating a budget for it in their data pipelines. The data engineer role seems to attract lots of attention, but few companies leverage the machine learning expert/engineer. Could it be that ML can add value to other enterprises too? Let's find out by clarifying certain concepts.

What Machine Learning is

So that we are all on the same page, let's look at a down-to-earth definition of ML that you can include in a company meeting, a report, or even within an email to a colleague who isn't in this field. Investopedia defines ML as "the concept that a computer program can learn and adapt to new data without human intervention." In other words, if your machine (be it a computer, a smartphone, or even a smart device) can learn on its own, using some specialized software, then it's under the ML umbrella. It's important to note that ML is also a stand-alone field of research, predating most AI systems, even if the two are linked, as we'll see later on.

How Machine Learning is different from Statistics

It's also important to note that ML is different from Statistics, even if some people like to view the former as an extension of the latter. However, there is a fundamental difference that most people aren't aware of yet. Namely, ML is data-driven while Statistics is, for the most part, model-driven. This statement means that most Stats-based inferences are made by assuming a particular distribution in the data, or the interactions of different variables, and making predictions based on our mathematical models of these distributions. ML may employ distributions in some niche cases, but for the most part, it looks at data as-is, without making any assumptions about it.

Machine Learning’s role in data science work

Let’s now get to the crux of the matter and explore how ML can be a significant value-add to a data science pipeline. First of all, ML can potentially offer better predictions than most Stats models in terms of accuracy, F1 score, etc. Also, ML can work alongside existing models to form model ensembles that can tackle the problems more effectively. Additionally, if transparency is important to the project stakeholders, there are ML-based options for offering some insight as to what variables are important in the data at hand, for making predictions based on it. Moreover, ML is more parametrized, meaning that you can tweak an ML model more, adapting it to the data you have and ensuring more robustness (i.e., reliability). Finally, you can learn ML without needing a Math degree or any other formal training. The latter, however, may prove useful, if you wish to delve deeper into the topic and develop your own models. This innovation potential is a significant aspect of ML since it's not as easy to develop new models in Stats (unless you are an experienced Statistics researcher) or even in AI. Besides, there are a bunch of various "heuristics" that are part of the ML group of algorithms, facilitating your data science work, regardless of what predictive model you end up using.

Machine Learning and AI

Many people conflate ML with AI these days. This confusion is partly because many ML models involve artificial neural networks (ANNs) which are the most modern manifestation of AI. Also, many AI systems are employed in ML tasks, so they are referred to as ML systems since AI can be a bit generic as a term. However, not all ML algorithms are AI-related, nor are all AI algorithms under the ML umbrella. This distinction is of import because certain limitations of AI systems (e.g., the need for lots and lots of data) don't apply to most ML models, while AI systems tend to be more time-consuming and resource-heavy than the average ML one. There are several ML algorithms you can use without breaking the bank and derive value from your data through them. Then, if you find that you need something better, in terms of accuracy, you can explore AI-based ones. Keep in mind, however, that some ML models (e.g., Decision Trees, Random Forests, etc.) offer some transparency, while the vast majority of AI ones are black boxes.

Learning more about the topic

Naturally, it's hard to do this topic justice in a single article. It is so vast that someone can write a book on it! That's what I've done earlier this year, through the Technics Publications publishing house. You can learn more about this topic via this book, which is titled Julia for Machine Learning (Julia is a modern programming language used in data science, among other fields, and it's popular among various technical professionals). Feel free to check it out and explore how you can use ML in your work. Cheers!


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Data Science Partnership was specifically created to help companies improve their business processes, become more profitable, and to make better, more informed decisions. Backed by a diverse team of some of the industry’s leading experts, DSP uses its knowledge and expertise to fully utilise the power of your data and to give you a genuine advantage over your competitors. Many other AI consultancies cloak data science in mystery, whilst using jargon that few can understand. We feel that this approach is completely unnecessary and does nothing to help the process. DSP realises that understanding data science, big data and Ai can be challenging for many of the people we help. That’s why DSP tackles every project with a pragmatic, plain-English approach that keeps everyone on the same page and working towards achieving clearly defined goals. DSP’s mission is to work with its clients for the long-haul and be consistent in delivering outstanding service and technologically-advanced solutions. DSP constantly work towards being the pinnacle of knowledge, and all employees and stakeholders receive regular training and attend seminars in order to maintain this.


Data Science Partnership

Data Science Partnership was specifically created to help companies improve their business processes, become more profitable, and to make better, more informed decisions. Backed by a diverse team of some of the industry’s leading experts, DSP uses its knowledge and expertise to fully utilise the power of your data and to give you a genuine advantage over your competitors. Many other AI consultancies cloak data science in mystery, whilst using jargon that few can understand. We feel that this approach is completely unnecessary and does nothing to help the process. DSP realises that understanding data science, big data and Ai can be challenging for many of the people we help. That’s why DSP tackles every project with a pragmatic, plain-English approach that keeps everyone on the same page and working towards achieving clearly defined goals. DSP’s mission is to work with its clients for the long-haul and be consistent in delivering outstanding service and technologically-advanced solutions. DSP constantly work towards being the pinnacle of knowledge, and all employees and stakeholders receive regular training and attend seminars in order to maintain this.