A Complete Set of Data Governance Roles & Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities are the backbone to a successful Data Governance program. The way you define and utilize the roles will be the biggest factor of program success. From Data Stewards to the steering committee and everyone in between, people will need to understand the role they play, why they are in the role and how the role fits in with their existing job. Join Bob Seiner for this RWDG webinar where he will provide a complete and detailed set of Data Governance roles and responsibilities. Bob will share an Operating Model of Roles and Responsibilities that can be customized to address the specific needs of your organization
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commercializing or sharing their data for revenue. Unilog, a global technology company specializing in enterprise e-commerce solutions and product content services in the B2B marketplace, is an example of one company who successfully monetized upstream manufacturing by enriching, cleaning and joining data needed by its customers – using Paxata’s data preparation solution.
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Data Storytelling With Multiexperiences


Discussion Topics: - What is a data story - When and how should data storytelling be used - Which new skills and techniques do you need to create compelling data stories - Which experiences can help tell your story beyond dashboards on a 2D screen
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Data Privacy in Analytics

Data Protection and Privacy Compliance are becoming more ubiquitous and gaining in importance. In recent years, legislation has reacted by introducing e.g. the GDPR, the UK Data Protection Law or the California Consumer Privacy Act and associated regulations (“CCPA”). European Regulators especially have been clear that they take data privacy of their citizens very seriously, as shown in the January 2022 ruling of the Austrian courts against a website that was using Google Analytics.
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Code-First Data Science: Power Your DataRobot Projects Using Cloud-Hosted Notebooks

For ‘code-first’ data scientists notebooks are an essential part of your toolkit, but they have serious limitations when they’re run locally on laptops. In this informative session we will outline how DataRobot’s latest acquisition, Zepl, brings the power of self-service and cloud-hosted notebooks to you and your team.
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