PrecisionProfile – a bioinformatics technology company – focuses on enabling oncologists and research scientists to rapidly analyze genomic profiles and create personalized treatment plans for cancer patients. Like most organizations, PrecisionProfile struggled with the most time-consuming part of every analytics exercise - combing, cleaning, and shaping data into actionable information. With self-service data preparation, they were able to design and develop a platform to accelerate data pipelines, enabling scientists to spend more time analyzing data and formulating how they can leverage it to save lives. View this webcast to learn: Empower researchers and oncologists to spend a fraction of their time restructuring data. Reduced cycle time of a genomic clinical study from 1-3 months to 2-8 hours.
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DataEd Webinar: Essential Reference and Master Data Management

Data tends to pile up and can be rendered unusable or obsolete without careful maintenance processes. Reference and Master Data Management (MDM) has been a popular Data Management approach to effectively gain mastery over not just the data but the supporting architecture for processing it. This webinar presents MDM as a strategic approach to improving and formalizing practices around those data items that provide context for many organizational transactions: its master data. Too often, MDM has been implemented technology-first and achieved the same very poor track record (one-third succeeding on-time, within budget, and achieving planned functionality). MDM success depends on a coordinated approach typically involving Data Governance and Data Quality activities.
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Why BI Programs Fail to Scale: The Data Decision Gap

The global investment in digital transformation estimated to exceed $10 trillion over the next five years. Despite the tremendous resources going towards this cause, studies show that up to 70% of these initiatives will not achieve their stated goal. What does it take to win?
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There is a lot of focus on big data, but sometimes it makes sense to look at the small data at hand and explore how to drive value from that. In this webinar, Mike Weston will present how to iteratively work with the data available, from e.g. purchase patterns, web browsing or location data, and gradually grow big insights.
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Empowering Collaboration Between Data Practitioners and Product Managers

As data practitioners and product managers strive to gain actionable insights with the data at hand, it’s important for both roles to work collaboratively.
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