Applying Governance to Business Processes

The most effective way to formally govern business processes is to apply governance to the process rather than redefine the entire process. This is one of the core tenets to Non-Invasive Data Governance and it assumes that your business processes are defined in the first place. In this month’s RWDG webinar, Bob Seiner will address how to apply formal Data Governance to existing processes and how to engage governance communities when defining new business processes. There is a distinct advantage to taking the Non-Invasive Approach to apply governance to business processes and Bob will detail this advantage during this month’s webinar.
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Accelerating Machine Learning on Databricks


Learn how you can combine CARTO and Python for spatial data science from the comfort of your own Jupyter notebook. In this technical webinar, Andy Eschbacher (Data Scientist at CARTO) and Joe Pringle (VP - North America at CARTO) show how to apply CARTOframes and CARTO's Python SDK to build powerful end-to-end spatial data science workflows. This webinar specifically focus on two areas: Using CARTO in a Jupyter notebook. Demo examples of custom data science web applications built with CARTOframes and CARTO VL.
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New Year’s Resolutions for your Data Management Strategy


As 2019 begins, it’s a good time to assess what you accomplished last year and what goals to set for the new year. It’s also a great opportunity to review, evaluate, and update your company’s Data Management Strategy to promote alignment and derive maximum value for the business. IDERA’s Ron Huizenga will discuss data architecture and governance considerations that should be incorporated into your Data Management Strategy and Program.
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Trends for Modernizing Analytics and Data Warehousing in 2019


Brand new research published from Dresner Advisory Services digs deeply into the trends in 2018 around big data analytics. Where are organizations heading in 2019? How are analytic and data warehouse architectures evolving to enable faster and deeper self-service analytics and BI for organizations looking to create a competitive edge? How is public, private and hybrid clouds factoring into deployment decisions? What are the hottest open source projects from Apache Spark to Kudu, Kafka, Hadoop, and beyond?
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Data Management for Successful AI

AI is seen by many as the best way to secure the future of their organisations, but there is significant public concern about its possible detrimental impact. Some are concerned about the concentration of power in the hands of huge tech companies, while some see automation as a threat to their employment.
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