How Enterprises Are Leveraging Data & Analytics to Deliver 2X More Value from Their Shared Services Centers

As technology adoption increases exponentially, organizations are challenged by the proliferation of data that the technology generates. Increasingly, Shared Services  Global In-house Centers (GICs) are leading their organizations’ efforts to tame data and derive key insights from it. Based on our recent Pinnacle Model research on data & analytics maturity in SSCs/GICs, this webinar will show executives how they can build capabilities in their SSCs GICs to turn this challenge into a strategic asset, generating value and enhancing service delivery
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3 Critical Skills for Every Accidental MariaDB & MySQL DBA

If you answered YES to any of these questions, this session is for you! There’s never been a more challenging, yet more exciting time to be a MySQL or MariaDB database administrator.
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Data Analytics and Insights: Fueling a Better Future for HigherEd

We live in a data-driven world. If higher education institutions don’t take steps to derive actionable insights from their data, they will miss out on opportunities to identify problems and enact positive change that will fuel the future of HigherEd. Join this webinar to learn how having access to the right analytics – and deriving actionable insights from that data – can benefit every area of your institution and help your team tackle the challenges facing HigherEd today.
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3 ways to scale your data insights

How do you scale your analytics strategy more broadly across your business units and your customers? Join us on January 26 as we reveal brand new features in our latest cloud release that help you reach that elusive last mile of users. Learn how you can:
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New Year’s Resolutions for your Data Management Strategy


As 2019 begins, it’s a good time to assess what you accomplished last year and what goals to set for the new year. It’s also a great opportunity to review, evaluate, and update your company’s Data Management Strategy to promote alignment and derive maximum value for the business. IDERA’s Ron Huizenga will discuss data architecture and governance considerations that should be incorporated into your Data Management Strategy and Program.
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