How to Overcome the Top Data Workflow Challenges

How to Overcome the Top Data Workflow Challenges
As the demand for data has grown, data workflows and processes have become increasingly complex. Consequently, the need for an efficient, modern data supply chain has never been more pressing. Yet, 451 Research’s latest survey shows that imbalances in the data supply chain could pose risks to data initiatives in today’s DataOps-driven world.
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Metadata Management for the Governance Minded


Do you have data governance on your mind? Do you envision an environment where people are held formally accountable for the data they define, produce and use? Does metadata play a big role in that governed environment? Of course, it does. To manage any “thing” requires that you have quality information about that thing. Join Bob Seiner, of KIK Consulting and, with Gal Alon, Senior Director of Business Development for an industry leading metadata management automation software provider Octopai, as they discuss the who’s, what’s, why’s and how’s of automating and leveraging your metadata environment to successfully govern your organization’s data. Bob and Gal will spend the hour chatting about the role metadata management plays in data governance as well as discuss specific use cases to improve probability of Data Governance success.
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Data Science for Spreadsheet Users


In this webinar, DataCamp Account Executive Chris Cardillo will challenge anyone spending their days in and out of spreadsheets to pick up a coding language. He’ll cover the tangible benefits of incorporating coding into an everyday workflow, as well as examples of where coding enhances or replaces work done in spreadsheets. Finally, he’ll cover some R language equivalents for spreadsheet techniques, and where to get started when you’re ready to take the first step.
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Secure Your Data Mesh Architecture on AWS

The criticality of becoming a data-driven enterprise is a given. But there are multiple data, security and governance approaches to get there. Which should you choose? Learn the challenges of implementing a Data Lake and the benefits of a modern Data Mesh approach with AWS. Hear from AWS Senior Partner Solutions Architect, Ayan Ray, and Privacera Director of Sales Engineering, Lovelesh Chawla, as they discuss the importance of implementing a modern unified data security governance platform. Manage, secure, and automate data access, security, and compliance simply and consistently across your entire data mesh on AWS.
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Using Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics to Power Smarter Healthcare


The healthcare market is trending to reach an expenditure upwards of $32 billion by 2022. Big Data continues to be at the forefront in compelling the industry forward. Join Bill Balderaz and Philip Payne during this 30-minute webinar to understand how Big Data is transforming the healthcare landscape: reducing medication errors, decreased hospital costs and wait times, improving services, and increasing patient privacy. Balderaz and Payne will also discuss how Big Data is predicting opioid usage and preventing hospital readmissions.
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