To ensure that the third-party verification activities undertaken by companies are broadly comparable, CDP requires verification to be completed in accordance with recognised verification standards.
In this webinar, gold CDP-accredited solution provider, Greenstone outlines 5 key software tools for preparing your CDP data for verification.
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As reported in Forbes last year, 73% of companies are planning to move to a fully software-defined data center within two years. A software-defined data center is based on a virtualized environment of compute, storage, networking and security in conjunction with policy-based management and automation. The evolution from a traditional data center architecture to one that is software-defined can take months if not years but can yield immense benefits for the business. Join us for a discussion on the progress toward the fully software-defined data center, including benefits of infrastructure as code and overcoming challenges associated with traditional workflows.
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Data lakes based on Hadoop technologies have proved themselves valuable in mission-critical use cases such as data warehousing, advanced analytics, multichannel marketing, complete customer views, digital supply chains, and the modernization of data management.Most Hadoop users are committed to the data lake method of managing data, but they are limited by Hadoop shortcomings in key areas such as cluster maintenance, administration cost, resource management, metadata management, and support for SQL and other relational technologies. Many view cloud-based solutions as the optimal replacement for their data lake, but they are not ready to make such a significant change. The truth is: they don't have to, as the two technologies can coexist.
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Argon Systems
Modern enterprises are struggling to gain insights from an exploding number of database management systems and ever-growing data volumes. SQL Server 2019 can help you overcome the challenges of integrating data and bring AI and machine learning to all of your data, structured and unstructured. It can also help you better manage your relational data right now. In this webinar, Introduction to SQL Server 2019, hear from Debbi Lyons, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Travis Wright, Principal Program Manager, and Bob Ward, Principal Architect at Microsoft discuss the latest updates and features for the new SQL Server release, including introducing the new big data cluster with intelligence over any data, how SQL Server 2019 enhances the developer experience, and using tools including Azure Data Studio.
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