Sprint or Marathon? Going the distance with data center maintenance

Navigating the course of data center management comes with a multitude of obstacles. Most IT professionals must balance maximizing uptime, improving security, optimizing operations and meeting budget realities. In the case of data center maintenance, what is the best route to take after initial warranty support expires? Uptime a
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Big Data Analysis specialization


Are you interested in extracting and analyzing financial data? Do you want to be familiar with the concept of big data? Kozminski University has just launched an extraordinary program in big data analysis for you. The Director of the program has a great pleasure to invite you to participate in a webinar aimed at introducing the program and answering the questions regarding the content of the program.
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Using MySQL for Distributed Database Architectures


In modern data architectures, we’re increasingly moving from single node design systems to distributed architectures using multiple nodes often spread across multiple databases and multiple continents. Such architectures bring many benefits (such as scalability and resiliency), but can also bring a lot of pain if incorrectly architected.
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Practical tools and techniques for building a brand that is trusted with data

In this ODI Inside Business webinar you’ll discover how you can help your business work towards six critical outcomes that together contribute to developing a brand that is trusted with data.
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How to Use data.world to Solve for Common Data Engineering Use Cases

When evaluating a data catalog, every data engineer wants to know one thing: “What’s in it for me?” In this live demo, Mo Dodge answers that question and highlights several high-value use cases data.world solves for:
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