Trends in Enterprise Advanced Analytics

If you missed out on all the trends for 2019 published in December, or even if you caught some of them, this one merits your time. We’ll be going into 2019 and beyond, since the winners will have an eye on the long view for the source of competitive advantage that is analytics. It is a fascinating, explosive time for enterprise analytics. It is from the position of analytics leadership that the mission will be executed and company leadership will emerge. The data professional is absolutely sitting on the performance of the company in this information economy and has an obligation to demonstrate the possibilities and originate the architecture, data and projects that will deliver analytics. After all, no matter what business you’re in, you’re in the business of analytics.
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What’s Ahead in Data Management in 2019?

This webinar is a must attend for technical users and business managers who are facing these changes. The expert panel on this webinar will help attendees understand what’s ahead in 2019 and beyond for data management. Attendees can then apply that information to prioritize the data management changes they must address and how they will prepare via hiring, training, budgeting, making a business case, and adopting the right data platforms and tools.
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Applying Convolutional Neural Networks with TensorFlow


In this latest Data Science Central Deep Learning Fundamentals Series webinar, we will cover the fundamentals behind TensorFlow and how to apply them within a convolutional neural network (CNN) example. The principles we will cover include CNN concepts and their impact to the accuracy and loss of your network. All these concepts will be brought to life by demonstrating how Databricks simplifies deep learning - letting you quickly access ready-to-use ML environments, as well as prepare data, and train models faster. After this session, if requested, you will receive the presentation and associated notebooks so you can run the samples yourself.
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Introducing Cloudera Data Science Workbench for HDP


Cloudera’s Data Science Workbench (CDSW) is available for Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) clusters for secure, collaborative data science at scale. During this webinar, we provide an introductory tour of CDSW and a demonstration of a machine learning workflow using CDSW on HDP.
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Journey to the Cloud, Self-Service BI, and Data Lakes with Data Virtualization


Denodo DataFest, the premier agile data management and analytics conference, returned once again to New York and London in 2018. Our annual user conference brings together industry analysts, subject matter experts, business leaders, data management leaders to discuss data strategies to enable a successful journey to the cloud, self-service BI, and data lakes with data virtualization. The event invited attendees to watch demos, hear customer success stories, and educate themselves on the best practice implementations of data virtualization.
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