Turn the Promise of Big Data into Business Impact

As Hadoop continues to grow in popularity, organizations struggle to turn the promise of Big Data into business value, as shown in recent Gartner surveys. Predictive analytics is a natural platform to extract business value from Big Data. However, a skills gap becomes a major adoption inhibitor, as the Hadoop architecture requires specialized coding skills in addition to data science expertise.
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Automated Data and Analytics Workload Modernization

Moving on-premises legacy data and analytics workloads to the cloud is unavoidable if you want to overcome infrastructural constraints, facilitate proactive analytics, and lower costs. You need a service that enables seamless scalability for petabyte-scale data processing, interactive analytics, and machine learning. However, end-to-end, automated workload transformation and optimization on serverless services is not straightforward.
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Data for the Clinical Journey: Pairing Analytics with Health Cloud for Data-Driven Success

All the stakeholders within the Health and Life Sciences Industry find the need for a complete view of the trends affecting their patients in addition to personal data and history. Healthcare providers, insurers, and agencies even while having different roles in delivering care tend to face many of the same challenges.
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3 ways to scale your data insights

How do you scale your analytics strategy more broadly across your business units and your customers? Join us on January 26 as we reveal brand new features in our latest cloud release that help you reach that elusive last mile of users. Learn how you can:
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There is a lot of focus on big data, but sometimes it makes sense to look at the small data at hand and explore how to drive value from that. In this webinar, Mike Weston will present how to iteratively work with the data available, from e.g. purchase patterns, web browsing or location data, and gradually grow big insights.
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