Using MySQL for Distributed Database Architectures

In modern data architectures, we’re increasingly moving from single node design systems to distributed architectures using multiple nodes often spread across multiple databases and multiple continents. Such architectures bring many benefits (such as scalability and resiliency), but can also bring a lot of pain if incorrectly architected.
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Databases vs Hadoop vs Cloud Storage


Relational databases are old technology, right? Thirty years is a long time for a technology foundation to be as active as relational databases, but, like NFL coaches, we must “tolerate them until we can replace them.” Are their replacements here? In this webinar, we say no. Databases have not sat around while Hadoop emerged. The Hadoop era generated a ton of interest and confusion, but is it still relevant as organizations are deploying cloud storage options like a kid in a candy store? We’ll discuss Hadoop’s continued potential relevance and the cloud storage option that seems vital. Use what when? This is a critical decision that can dictate two to five times additional work effort if it’s a bad fit.
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Metadata Management for the Governance Minded


Do you have data governance on your mind? Do you envision an environment where people are held formally accountable for the data they define, produce and use? Does metadata play a big role in that governed environment? Of course, it does. To manage any “thing” requires that you have quality information about that thing. Join Bob Seiner, of KIK Consulting and, with Gal Alon, Senior Director of Business Development for an industry leading metadata management automation software provider Octopai, as they discuss the who’s, what’s, why’s and how’s of automating and leveraging your metadata environment to successfully govern your organization’s data. Bob and Gal will spend the hour chatting about the role metadata management plays in data governance as well as discuss specific use cases to improve probability of Data Governance success.
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Top 10 Data and Analytics Trends That Will Change Your Business


• The top ten strategic data and analytics technology trends and what they enable. How these trends enable you to build an intelligent and emergent data and analytics portfolio of capabilities that scale to the needs of digital business. Why these trends are growing and having an impact now. How these trends will change your organization, data and analytics program and skills needed. Strategic technology trends have significant disruptive potential over the next 5 years. You must examine your business impacts of these trends and appropriately adjust investments, business models and operations or else your company is at risk of losing competitive advantage to those who do. Data and analytics leaders cannot afford to ignore these 2019 top data and analytics trends.
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How To Turbocharge Your Application with Contextual Analytics

Contextual analytics, as the next phase of embedded, brings dashboards, automated analysis and analytics directly into your application’s core workflows delivering data directly within the user interface and within the transaction flow. By seamlessly blending analytics and actions, improve both your app’s core functionality and enable opportunities for exciting new analytical experiences for your users - and improve the value of your application.
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