Visualizing Geospatial Data at Scale

Geospatial data is everywhere today. Your mapping capabilities need to handle the growing volumes of “big data” to deliver location-based insights at any level. Large-scale mapping use cases require a scalable and real-time visualization platform that enables self-service analysis. End users need a fast, interactive system that can immediately display any view of their data on demand.
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Accelerating Data Insights with Cloud BI

Data volumes are growing faster every day. Fortunately, a move to the cloud can make real-time business intelligence accessible and affordable.
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The Many Faces of Metadata Management

Few things bring down the value of data faster than confusion and uncertainty about what it is, where it came from, and whether it is good quality data. Yet as more users seek to access and interact with data and reports for business intelligence and analytics and as data sources become larger and more varied, confusion and uncertainty spread fast. Executives, managers, regulatory administrators, and other key personnel cannot rely on their reports, KPIs, and dashboards. Users cannot even find reports that the organization is producing. Instead, users spend more of their time trying to locate data and reports and correcting mistakes than they do applying data insights to solve business problems.
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Visualizing Asset Protection in a Big Data World


Data breaches are in the news nearly every day as companies struggle to protect their customers’ greatest assets their personal information. From the theft of credit card information and personal health records to critical business information leakage; the threats are constant. Certainly, firewalls and endpoint protection are critical and necessary, but what about data controls and analytics? In this one hour webinar you will hear the latest on how companies are leveraging end-to-end controls, monitoring an analytics solutions to meet information privacy and security compliance standards. Even better, you will hear directly from Kemper, a leading insurer with $8B in assets, and learn how they are approaching information security risk management.
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2023 data and analytics trends and predictions

The world of data and analytics is evolving faster than ever before. Those that stay ahead of this change will be able to navigate the challenging economy and dominate the decade of data. Data is driving tectonic shifts across our personal and professional lives, creating new opportunities for organizations - and new challenges. But which trends are truly transformative and which will fail to live up to the hype?
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