Big Data Analytics and Predicting Election Results

April 1, 2019

The best way to predict the future is to study past behavior. This is the underlying idea behind Big Data Analytics. The 2008 Obama election campaign was one of the first to take advantage of data-driven methods in the race to an elected office. The Obama campaign had a data analytics team of 100 people. This shows how deeply data analytics impacts the world. From recommending products to customers on e-commerce websites (i.e. using predictive analytics) to electing the most powerful official of the free world. Big Data Analytics is indeed everywhere. Data analytics has evolved itself to become the brain of every election campaign since the Obama campaign. Data analytics helps the election campaign to understand the voters better and hence adapt to their sentiments. Now let‘s find out how data analytics affects the elections and how election campaigns use it


Csg Pro

CSG Pro is a consulting firm headquartered in Portland, OR that has specialized in data solutions since 1993. Expertise in custom application development, data warehouse implementation, and Power BI has positioned CSG Pro as the top business intelligence consultancy in the Pacific Northwest. Reach out to us for your data-driven needs or questions: CSG Pro is committed to fostering the data visualization community by organizing the monthly Portland Power BI User Group. Details on joining user group events are found here:

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How to Accelerate Delivery of Your BI Strategy

whitePaper | July 1, 2022

Data is an extremely valuable asset in today’s world. After all, there are entire industries based on it. Because of this, it’s important to evangelize the value of data within your organization.

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Top 5 Data Ops Tools to Use in 2022

whitePaper | October 13, 2022

Generally, data-driven companies mainly struggle with data quality issues. Massive amounts of data, changing data storage requirements due to changing company regulations, and the various types of data sources and formats do make data management quite difficult for companies. Hence, the need for robust DataOps took to automate and simplify data life-cycle phases is of utmost importance at this point. Here are, some of the most important DataOps took that professionals can use in 2022.

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Democratizing Data Analytics in Financial Services

whitePaper | February 22, 2023

There are two reasons financial institutions are learning as much about their customers as possible by gathering—and processing—as much data as they can. Firstly, this information is invaluable for delivering more personalized products and services to increase revenues while making smarter decisions and improving operational efficiency. Better customer understanding can improve things like underwriting accuracy, for example, and many others.

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Why Open Architectures Matter in BI: A White Paper on Openness

whitePaper | September 1, 2022

Lock-in occurs when the cost or effort of moving away from a particular choice (platform, vendor) outweighs the benefit of doing so, even if that choice is good for the business overall. The pain of moving is simply too great to consider doing it.

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The Inevitability of Data Science Modernization During the Machine Learning and AI Revolution

whitePaper | June 16, 2022

It seems like the business world has gone crazy for machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), viewing the technologies as the essential keys to the very future of the enterprise. In fact, a recent survey from ESIThoughtLab found that two-thirds of business leaders see AI as critically important for their future. And yet, the respondents report that only 25% of AI projects are in widespread deployment and 40% of all projects are generating negative or no returns.

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The Ugly Truth About Data Management & the Journey to Unleashing the Economic Value of Data

whitePaper | August 22, 2022

The Ugly Truth About Data Management and the Journey to Unleashing the Economic Value of Data explores the often overlooked truth about managing data in the digital era and the shifts in perspective and practice required to unleash the true, economic value of data.

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Csg Pro

CSG Pro is a consulting firm headquartered in Portland, OR that has specialized in data solutions since 1993. Expertise in custom application development, data warehouse implementation, and Power BI has positioned CSG Pro as the top business intelligence consultancy in the Pacific Northwest. Reach out to us for your data-driven needs or questions: CSG Pro is committed to fostering the data visualization community by organizing the monthly Portland Power BI User Group. Details on joining user group events are found here:
