February 6, 2019

Drawing on a global database of media articles, we quantitatively assess perceptions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in different countries and regions. We find that the BRI is generally positively received. All regions as a whole, except South Asia, have a positive perception of the BRI, but there are marked differences at the country level, with some countries in all regions having very negative views. Interestingly, there is no significant difference in perceptions of the BRI between countries that officially participate in the BRI and those that do not.


Illumination Works

Illumination Works (ILW) is a solution enablement company with deep expertise and experience in designing and building powerful infrastructures for big data, advanced analytics, data warehousing, and business intelligence solutions. Founded in 2006, ILW has grown its expertise from traditional data warehouse and business intelligence implementations to the latest big data technologies with massive parallel processing, producing the predictive analytics and visualization capabilities. ILW has hands-on experience in both government and commercial implementations.

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Building Data Products: The Ultimate How-To Guide

whitePaper | November 18, 2022

It’s time to treat data like a product, not an afterthought. A new paradigm has emerged among forward-thinking data teams: treat your data like a product. This may sound easy in theory, but it’s far from it! Product development processes have become incredibly sophisticated, with resources dedicated to reliability, adoption, feature roadmaps, and more.

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How to Solve the Data Science Skills Shortage

whitePaper | November 23, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), along with data analytics, are widely seen as a way to tackle everything from daily inefficiencies and low productivity, to advancing healthcare and climate change mitigation. As more organisations look to leverage their data more effectively, demand for people with data capabilities is only going to grow

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Dell Validated Design for Analytics — Data Lakehouse

whitePaper | August 23, 2022

Digital transformation has moved businesses from a mode of retrieving and organizing critical information in conventional data stores to a new goal: capturing and storing every bit that passes through the business. The number and diversity of data sources are constantly expanding. New horizons are recognized in data as a raw resource with potential for value creation, even if specific points of value cannot yet be discerned.

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Implementing an Operational Data Layer for Product Catalog Modernization

whitePaper | September 27, 2022

The product catalog is at the heart of any retail company- simply put it is the window into the list of all products that are for sale and their information. These days that information can be extensive- from name, dimensions, price (and per-store price) to images, videos, and third party reviews.

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Why Open Architectures Matter in BI: A White Paper on Openness

whitePaper | September 1, 2022

Lock-in occurs when the cost or effort of moving away from a particular choice (platform, vendor) outweighs the benefit of doing so, even if that choice is good for the business overall. The pain of moving is simply too great to consider doing it.

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7 Trends for Data Science in 2021

whitePaper | May 5, 2021

Over the last decade, interest in the field of data science has not only increased enormously, but has also changed and developed considerably. In view of the new technological advances and the constant growth of data, we expect Data Science to continue to develop strongly in 2021. We have identified 7 trends that will be relevant for the coming year.

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Illumination Works

Illumination Works (ILW) is a solution enablement company with deep expertise and experience in designing and building powerful infrastructures for big data, advanced analytics, data warehousing, and business intelligence solutions. Founded in 2006, ILW has grown its expertise from traditional data warehouse and business intelligence implementations to the latest big data technologies with massive parallel processing, producing the predictive analytics and visualization capabilities. ILW has hands-on experience in both government and commercial implementations.
