How to Increase Revenues using CRM Data

October 24, 2017

This book is for everyone who is looking for clever ways to use SuperOffice data to grow. Inside, you will find plenty of practical tips. They are ideal for medium and smaller-size companies that know fast-growing amounts of data can be used on strategic and tactical levels - but are unsure what steps are required.



LiveStories drives outreach and better decisions using civic data—how communities live, learn, work, and play. Our data communication platform makes it easy to analyze local data, get benchmarks, and create interactive stories. Our customers span public and private sectors including the Gates Foundation, California Health and Human Services Agency, ShotSpotter, UCLA, Maricopa County, and many local health departments.

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Advanced Analytics for Decision Making

whitePaper | November 25, 2022

We live in a world of exponentially growing data. Within these massive datasets lies incredible potential, but only if users are equipped with tools capable of managing big data at scale and without lag.

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The Future of Unstructured Data Processing

whitePaper | July 25, 2022

Experts estimate that the average person generates more than 1.7 MB of digital data per second, amounting to over 2.5 quintillion bytes per day. However, as the world becomes increasingly digitized and networked, experts predict that, on average, people will produce 463 exabytes of data per day by 2025.

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The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud

whitePaper | December 29, 2022

Imagine that you are starting a family and you want to stay on top of your finances so you can manage your budget for your growing family. Because you have too many accounts for banking, loans, subscriptions, and bills to keep track of, you decide to sign up for a service that aggregates all your accounts in one place. When you register your account online, you follow the instructions carefully. You create a strong, unique password and set up multifactor authentication. You enter your bank account and loan information, home address, and other personal information. Your spouse also signs up, and you create a joint family account that combines your information.

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Four Reasons Your Metadata Is Broken

whitePaper | April 1, 2021

Metadata is more important now than ever. New technologies have enabled businesspeople who have traditionally not been analysts to work with data. The consumerization of IT means people expect systems to be intuitive and require little training. With so many people using data to support so many kinds of decisions, it’s critical that your data is described, defined, and understood.

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Securing Data In Motion: Working at the Speed of the Mission

whitePaper | August 25, 2022

Everyday user experiences are being completely reimagined. Requesting a ride through an app is better than calling a cab. Buying online is changing the way we go shopping. And gone are the days of waiting in long lines at your local bank. Data within these modern businesses is in constant motion, flowing, in real-time, across systems, environments, and applications every time a user interacts with the system.

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CDAIT Digital Transformation

whitePaper | November 26, 2019

There has been much said about the Internet of Things (IoT) and what it can bring to business and society - creating a more deeply connected world, informed by data sourced from connected things, made better by smarter, more meaningful actions and interactions. These views often focus on how IoT technical solutions can deliver this new future, emphasizing the technology DNA of IoT devices, networks and applications. We have found, however, both through research and experience, that while technology is, in fact, the core of IoT’s DNA; it is just a piece of the puzzle needed to deliver on IoT’s promise. With 60% of IoT projects still struggling to move out of proof-of-concept and scale successfully2 there is more to IoT success than technology alone. What is needed and how can business leaders plan better for IoT success?

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LiveStories drives outreach and better decisions using civic data—how communities live, learn, work, and play. Our data communication platform makes it easy to analyze local data, get benchmarks, and create interactive stories. Our customers span public and private sectors including the Gates Foundation, California Health and Human Services Agency, ShotSpotter, UCLA, Maricopa County, and many local health departments.
