January 9, 2019

Emerging Trends for Model Validation in the Age of AI Recent technological advancements have accelerated the integration of AI and machine learning models into more and more banking processes. In today’s banking industry, institutions not using AI and machine learning risk losing their competitive edge, as competitors are increasingly enhancing their strategic decisions with the powerful analytical capabilities of AI and machine learning.



Varonis is a leading provider of software solutions that protect data from insider threats and cyberattacks. Through an innovative software platform, Varonis allows organizations to analyze, secure, manage, and migrate their volumes of unstructured data...

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Connecting with meaning Hyper-personalizing the customer experience using data, analytics, and AI

whitePaper | December 1, 2022

We live in an era of connection and the consumer marketplace is no exception. Businesses are expected to not just meet the needs of customers, but anticipate and exceed them.

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Dell CloudIQ: A Detailed Review

whitePaper | December 30, 2022

This white paper details Dell CloudIQ, the cloud-based AIOps proactive monitoring and predictive analytics application for Dell systems. It describes how it uses machine learning and other algorithms, notifications, and recommendations to help you optimize compute, storage, hypercoverged infrastructure, data protection, and network health, performance, and capacity.

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Why Multi-Cloud is Imperative to Any Modern Data Strategy

whitePaper | September 7, 2022

Today, organizations are increasingly seeking technologies that simplify the deployment of their application workloads in a multi-cloud design to get lower TCO, build best-of-breed solutions, and avoid vendor lock-in. Whether to optimize the costs of running and managing private cloud or to enable developer velocity to efficiently build the modern, intelligent applications of tomorrow, the benefits of multi-cloud offerings are an attractive proposition for enterprises.

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How Data Maturity and Product Analytics Improve Digital Experiences and Business Outcomes

whitePaper | October 5, 2022

As we assess the global business environment in the latter half of 2022, perhaps the best single word that describes the state of play is uncertainty. Planning for uncertainties is a significant part of what we, as business executives and individuals, do on a daily basis. In times of uncertainty, brands realize they must work even harder to retain customers and deepen relationships by delivering value and empathy at scale. As we analyze our uncertainties, we can take comfort and guidance from management guru Peter Drucker, who wrote that “strategy aims to exploit the new and different opportunities of tomorrow” (Managing in Turbulent Times, 1980).

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Introducing Apache Druid

whitePaper | January 31, 2020

Many companies have invested heavily in specialized enterprise data warehouses (EDW) and Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) technologies to analyze their operational data. But these technologies were never designed to be truly real-time.They were originally built for batch, and that original design limits how real-timeEDWs and ETL can become. They were also designed to support a focused group ofanalysts, not a larger group of employees spanning operational functions, or even partner and end customers.

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New Technology: The Projected Total Economic Impact™ Of IBM Cloud Pak For Data

whitePaper | May 24, 2022

Forrester Consulting provides independent and objective research-based consulting to help leaders succeed in their organizations. Ranging in scope from a short strategy session to custom projects, Forrester’s Consulting services connect you directly with research analysts who apply expert insight to your specific business challenges.

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Varonis is a leading provider of software solutions that protect data from insider threats and cyberattacks. Through an innovative software platform, Varonis allows organizations to analyze, secure, manage, and migrate their volumes of unstructured data...
