Big Data Management

GZ6G Technologies Announces Development of Innovative Artificial Intelligence Analytics platform VenuTrax for launch by Green Zebra Smart Labs

GZ6G Technologies Corp. (OTCMarkets:GZIC), the complete enterprise smart solutions provider for large venues and cities, is implementing its phase two development of proprietary smart solutions product offering, “VenuTrax”; a state-of-the-art logic management solution cloud (SaaS) platform intended to provide  venues the ability to directly communicate with customers using 5G & Wi-Fi 6, as well as offer data analytics and artificial intelligence.  VenuTrax, developed by our Green Zebra Smart Labs division, will also reimagine enterprise venue location data, wireless visual engagement, and user experience. VenuTrax has a targeted release date of Fall 2021 for both NFL and NCAA venue location opportunities.

“This is an exciting time for GZ6G Technologies and our recently formed Green Zebra Smart Labs division. VenuTrax has been developed to revolutionize how cities and venues operate, providing access to in venue data in real-time, allowing venues to use that relevant data in order to create visual simulations and data forecasting with past, present & future growth capabilities beyond today’s wireless connectivity,” said Coleman Smith, President and CEO of GZ6G Technologies Corp. “Having access to these venue data elements increases predictable outcomes and is expected to dramatically assist venues to manage user experiences, relevant announcements and monetization expectations while saving time and staying on budget.”

VenuTrax Cloud capabilities include:

• Location visual simulation
• Location monetization simulation
• Real-time visual user engagement
• Historical venue data & impressions
• Historical venue AI trends and search capabilities

VenuTrax has been designed to solve venue and city pain points by utilizing existing location data and reimagining the user experience from on-boarding, real time monitoring, and initial insight creation to AI-driven deep exploration, and sharing, allowing venues to take focused action based on real time data vs. venue simulation comparisons. With VenuTrax, users will be able to go beyond creating new insights by using data simulations and exploring existing data within their organization, including data created by third-party software and devices. VenuTrax leverages the underlying Venue Location graph to customize and rank results and outcomes for the particular venue users, engagement patterns, and keyword relevance.

About GZ6G Technologies:

GZ6G Technologies is the complete enterprise smart solutions provider for large venues and cities. Focused on enterprise advisory services and acquiring smart city solutions, developing innovative products, and overseeing smart cities and smart venues, GZ6G Technologies also assists in modernizing clients with innovative wireless IoT technology for the emerging 5G and Wi-Fi 6 marketplaces. Target markets include stadiums, airports, universities, and smart city projects.


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